Watch Quigley Down Under Streaming

Northern California Fly Fishing Stream Report @ The Fly Shop®The Fly Shop's® Regional Stream Report. There are several hundred miles of rivers, creeks, lakes and streams within easy striking distance of The Fly Shop® in Redding. It's not surprising that quite a bit of water is set aside as fly fishing only, catch- and- release, with special closures and regulations designed to help ensure that the fishing around here will stay good for generations. The Fly Shop staff will custom- tailor the day and guide to your ability and interests, putting you on the best local water. Trout and steelhead fishing here isn't a season; it's a way of life at The Fly Shop®, and we've got fine fishing nearly 3.

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Whether it's a beautiful spring or fall day, blistering hot mid- summer afternoon, or snow- covered winter morning, we've got the staff and the guides that can handle it. We'll also help with flies and equipment, lodging, and transportation if you need it. Updated: 1. 1/0. 1/1.

The Fall River is the largest of California's spring creeks, fed by several icy aquifers coming from the snows and glaciers of Mount Shasta. Current River Conditions. The Fall River season is winding down. You can find a few mayfly hatches throughout the day, some PMD, Callibaetis and Tricos. Don't forget to fish midges as these are a large food source for these fish. Fish should be moving up the river where the largest amount of food is and to stage for the spawn.

Swinging nymphs and leeches will get you hooked up when the action is slow. Call 8. 00- 6. 69- 3. Or just send us an e- mail and we will get right back to you! When you come, stay at Circle 7 Guest Ranch or Spinner Fall Lodge and have unfettered access to waters swimming with rainbows!

The Fly Shop's® Tips: Successful dry fly fishing on Fall River is about where and when. So, pay attention as you cruise the river for rise forms. Best chances occur when spotting a single fish rising next to the edge of the river.

Try fishing a small beetle pattern! A popular and proven technique on Fall River is retrieving black or olive colored leeches on a sinking line. Swinging #1. 6- 1.

Watch Quigley Down Under Streaming

Pheasant Tail nymphs trailing #1. Zebra midges or WD- 4. Fall River. A #1. John or black zebra midge suspended under a small 3/4" indicator in white is a proven standard method of fishing this river. A few of the dry flies that have been working include Harrop's Last Chance PMD and Baetis,Mercer's Missing Link #1.

Dark,Tilt Wing Dun PMD. The "Fall River Twitch" has been a popular and effective technique on Fall River for decades. How to: Anchor your pram upstream of rising fish. Cast downstream and across, then feed line out to extend your drift a long ways downstream. The "Fall River Twitch" results in a presentation that lets the fish see your fly first, while you are positions upstream and out of the fished field of view. The Fall River Twitch is equally effective whether fishing dries, swinging nymphs or indicator nymphing.

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If you're casting to a pod of rising trout, work from the outside in and you can often pick them off one by one. Fall River, Updated: 1. Hat Creek represents the quintessential chess game of spring creek fly fishing for wary trout. Current River Conditions. Hat Creek continues to fish well from the Power House 2 riffle all the way to Lake Britton. In the riffle you'll find fish eating midges and small Baetis, so #1. Zebra Midges and #1.

Micro Mays or S& Ms in black or brown have been the ticket under a big dry. Further down on the flats there are a mix of mayflies and a few caddis, so bring your assortment and match what you see coming off. North of 2. 99 you'll want to have a stone nymph on in the freestone sections for sure. Some nice fish are being caught in Hat Creek!

Contact us about Hat Creek or call us at 1- 8. The Fly Shop's® Tips: Look for October Caddis hatches near sunset and fish a brushy dry fly like an Orange Stimulator. Best hatches occur in the morning and then again near sunset.

Get on the water early, before 1. AM! Be on the look- out for rainbows and brown trout rising near the edges of the river for best chance at a dry- fly hook- up. Cutter's E/C Caddis in Olive produced a few fish during a recent afternoon session. A great option that often produces some of the very best Hat Creek "fish stories" is to fish #6- 8 leeches, like Zack's Swimming Leech and buggers like Fox's Peacock Buggers near sunset. Look for rising fish along the flats below the Power House #2 riffle in the early AM and very last light.

For the best presentation, drift your D& D Cripple down and across to rising fish. For a fun challenge, try catching Hat Creek trout on as many tactics as you can: small indicators with nymphs, swinging wet flies and/or streamers, and, of course, with a well- presented dry fly. The Powerhouse #2 Riffle is one of the best spots on the creek, but also one of the most popular. Anglers seeking a real challenge should sight- cast to trout in the fabled "carbon flats" section, and those looking for solace can hike into the freestone section just above Lake Britton. Have an extra spool loaded with a Wet Tip Clear Fly Line.

Updated: 1. 1/0. 1/1. When The Fly Shop® opened its doors in 1. Klamath River was one of the primary guided angling destinations that we offered. Current River Conditions.

The Klamath is a little low, releases have fluctuated somewhat over the past two weeks from 1,1. The upper section is fishing well above the I- 5 bridge with some nice adult steelhead in the system. With a lot of salmon on redds, the steelhead are eating egg patterns and stonefly nymphs. Bring your favorite 7 wt, a good hookset and you'll be in good shape!

Contact us about the Klamath River or call 8. The Fly Shop's® Tips: Fishing egg patterns in orange, pink or champagne get's fly rods bent. Suspend your egg patterns under rubber legs, 3- D nymphs should get you into fish. Fly rods from 6wt to 7wt are perfect in lengths of 9' to 9'.

Switch rods are popular and make casting very easy. Spey rods fit in well on the Klamath river. Road Conditions: No restrictions at this time, but winter storms will change that. Call 1- 8. 00. 4. Northern California Road Conditions.

Here's a link to Cal- Trans Road Conditions: Click Here. River Fact: The Klamath river is 2. High Cascades, the water source is Upper Klamath Lake. Sometimes called "the upside down river", the upper Klamath in Oregon is largely developed, but the lower Klamath is still wild, forested and ruggedly beautiful. Next to the Klamath, the only river that originates in a desert and flows into the coastal forests of the pacific west is the Pit River. Updated: 1. 1/0. 1/1. The Sacramento River below Shasta Dam - known as the Lower Sacramento, or "Lower Sac" - has to be rated as among the best tailwater fisheries in the country.

Current River Conditions. The river remains at 8,0.

CFS from Keswick. Depending upon the day, we are seeing a few different insects hatching, both Brachycentrus & Hydropsyche Caddis can become noteworthy, but the key menu items have been midges and Baetis. Fish are occasionally being taken on Rubberlegs and egg patterns. There are few salmon on redds here and there, and if you know where they are you can expect some good fishing.

The evening Baetis hatches have been strong. Come on out and see for yourself! The Fly Shop's® Tips. We are seeing fish spread out and in some locations we haven't seen in many years. The high flows this past winter scoured out most of the weeds that harbored an abundant population of swimming mayflies, midges and craneflies. With the rearrangement of the cobble, the insects that survived to any degree seem to be mainly clinging riffle dwellers such as the Hydrospyche Caddis, Yellow Sallie Stoneflies, Salmonflies and Baetis Mayflies. In addition to the food, the weeds also provided respite from flows and protection from avian predators What does all of this mean?

Don't pass up any water to find fish. Look in fast, shallow riffles, drop offs and semi- turbulent glassy flats and you'll get hooked up.