It takes perspective to judge Hollywood’s troubles. Time once again to trot out my favorite quote. Watch Lady Macbeth Online there.
It’s a line George Bernard Shaw wrote for his character, Hesione Hushabye, to say in defense of her husband, Hector, when it becomes clear, in “Heartbreak House,” that Hector has a tendency on occasion to embellish the truth. In paraphrase, Shaw has Hesione say, “Man does have his virtues and vices in neat little sets.
He has them anyhow.” “Anyhow” meaning as they come. It’s my favorite quote because it puts human nature in a nutshell. Woman” and “her” could easily be used in place of “man” and “his” in Shaw’s quote. The great playwright and commentator was embracing all of humankind in this declaration. Advertisement. Shaw’s words have to be considered in this intense time when behavioral infractions, particularly sexual infractions, egregious and relatively mild, are being exposed from every corner at an accelerating rate. Everything from overtures to all- out assault are being branded abuse and harassment. As all- out assault, and worse, rape, should be.
It’s difficult to know where to stand and whom to defend or excoriate. Purists, in this neo- Puritan age when, against Shavian thought, will insist anything short of perfection and Utopia lets villains escape and will not do.
Arguing takes tact for others who see shades and degrees and who factor in perspective and proportion in the face of the politically correct. How can you speak up, not necessarily in favor of, but in indulgence or indifference for an adult who seduces a juvenile, a star who asks a young production assistant to rub his feet, or someone in power who demanded carnal fealty as a condition for granting a job? On moral grounds, you can’t.
· Viewers can watch live red carpet coverage from. Courtney Love Warned People About Harvey Weinstein In. 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' turns. · The Cast of Beverly Hills, 90210: Where Are They. I know they had a great time. wrote a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter last year in which.
That’s where the politically correct claim high ground in any discussion. Morality is different from moralism, and the world, as Hesione implies, is a huge, varied place and not a Utopia.
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People, even husbands, lie in it. And worse. What I want to do is set up a context for discussing the spate of revelations about sexual misconduct in show business. What I want to do, admittedly dangerous as any attempt at perspective can be misconstrued as laxity or even support, is to establish a sense of degree and refuse to lump all revealed offense into one barrel that makes anyone alleged to have transgressed as guilty, feckless, and evil as others. Remember Shaw, and remember the words “perspective” and “proportion.”Also think of an attempted act, sometimes a flirt or an offer, unwanted but innocuous, as opposed to serial misuse of position or outright drugging.
Or as opposed to making a salty statement, making a pass, or even chasing after someone in the manner of the title trio in Marx Brothers movies. The reason I ask this is careers, not only of the named and accused, but of their castmates, producers, and others connected with television programs and movies, are being affected.
The question is how fairly. Even taking the stance that nothing is acceptable, and acknowledging what women in particular have faced in all businesses as they vied for higher positions, shouldn’t there be a line in which actions mean exile and other actions waved off as a tawdry peccadillo or “show biz?”If, as he’s accused, Bill Cosby, used drugs to knock women comatose before copulating with them – although doing so seems to take some of the juice from the occasion – that is a serious breach of acceptable standards. If Harvey Weinstein spent years giving women an ultimatum – sex or no job – that too needs to be addressed. Both Cosby and Weinstein are paying for their sins.
But, citing Shaw, even those sins do not erase either man’s talents, one as a comedian, writer, and educator, the other as a producer of higher- than- average work. Moving from Shaw to Shakespeare, these men really did hoist themselves on their own petard. But I wonder about others and the extremes demanded of them because of accusations. The late Roger Ailes and newsman Bill O’Reilly immediate come to mind. Now let’s look at Kevin Spacey.
Thirty- two years ago, when he was age 2. Anthony Rapp, who was a minor, age 1. Unthinkable. Deplorable. All ugly words apply. Child abuse should not be tolerated, even as Roman Polanski receives Oscars (What a difference between 2. Then comes the question who was hurt.
Spacey, smarmy as his act was, was rebuffed. Nothing happened.
Rapp obviously did not think much of it and wasn’t much affected by it if it took him 3. And why did he mention it? Why are accusations and memories literally flying from the woodwork? Again, don’t get me wrong. I don’t applaud or condone foul acts. But isn’t there some kind of fashionable bandwagon forming?
Hasn’t “me too,” two weeks ago a sad message of how many people, I included, have endured sexual harassment, turned into an eager race to be counted and, at times, to get one’s own publicity at the expense of someone more successful? I see the work of Ellsworth Toohey from Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” in the mix. See what I mean by perspective? I don’t want to be counted as someone who excuses the shameful, yet at the same time, I don’t want to throw rocks of the same weight at people who truly violated all decency and those who took a chance, made a pass, or pinched a random butt. This is show business we’re talking about, folks.
The theater and Hollywood have rarely been known as places and careers that attract the monklike and the prude. I don’t know much about ancient Greek audition practices, but it wouldn’t surprise me if an amphora was found depicting the actress who originated Medea on a casting couch. The smarmy can also be historic. It could also be the long- time accepted practice is a business where morals were never tight, even when Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons were insisting they must be. Before judging, we need to look at the degree of mayhem and the ultimate harm done. We also have to know what really happened.
Something tells me that now all, but many, share Hector Hushabye’s habit of embellishing. Remember, we’re talking about people who are practiced at and paid for being dramatic. I feel as if between a rock and hard place even addressing this. But I have to because I’m more disgusted with the Puritanical nature that has everyone gasping at the latest revelation and at the person who committed the act. Pretty soon no one will be able to work. Watch Online Watch Forget Me Not Full Movie Online Film. Talent will be minimized in the name of moral turpitude.
Or political correctness. Sexual games have been played from the beginning of time. Audiences love seeing them enacted in movies and TV shows. Do we denigrate Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson for their womanizing the same way we sneered last week at Kevin Spacey or Dustin Hoffman?
How about JFK or Bill Clinton? I worry most about the talent gap if every big star accused of malfeasance is barred from working again. Spacey doesn’t have Oscars, Emmys, and Tony for being mediocre. He didn’t run one of England’s most prestigious theaters, the Old Vic, because he doesn’t know his craft.
Or his art. Should “House of Cards” have to go out of production because Spacey inappropriate seduced Anthony Rapp (who I’ve met three times and is also a fine performer)? Is Dustin Hoffman’s brilliant career, one of the best ever, to be negated because he did what so many Hollywood dons did take advantage of a young production assistant? I say ‘no.’ Not because the mighty can’t fall.
Harvey Weinstein and Roger Ailes are proof they can. But because of what Shaw, or Hesione, said.
I Know That Everybody—I Mean Everybody—in Hollywood Knows That it’s Happening"October 1. Joshua Caplan. As previously reported, embattled Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is the subject of a devastating expose detailing decades of sexual harassment. So far the Hollywood elites have yet to condemn serial predator Harvey Weinstein.
Weinstein is also one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest donors, having raised mega bucks for the failed Democrat presidential candidate. Hollywood literally worshipped Weinstein. Gross. In March 2. Hollywood actress Meryl Streep praised serial predator Harvey Weinstein as “god” at the Golden Globes.
The audience loved it. Last Thursday, The New York Times blew the roof off of the decades long ‘open secret’ in Hollywood that Harvey Weinstein was essentially a sexual predator who preyed on young starlets. Weinstein reportedly paid off several sexual harassment accusers over the years.
An investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he has run, Miramax and the Weinstein Company. During that time, after being confronted with allegations including sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact, Mr. Weinstein has reached at least eight settlements with women, according to two company officials speaking on the condition of anonymity. So how did this sexual abuse go on and on seemingly out in the open without reporters chomping at the bit to publish the story?
It turns out that Weinstein has media enablers as well. The New York Times had the story all the way back in 2. Weinstein himself appeared at the NYT headquarters and muscled the paper into silence. Sharon Waxman is the founder of The Wrap and a former New York Times reporter.
She said she “gagged” when she read Jim Rutenberg’s sanctimonious piece on Saturday about the “media enablers” who kept this story from the public for decades. Waxman wrote about having the Weinstein scoop when she was a new reporter at the New York Times back in 2.
Weinstein, Matt Damon and Russel Crowe pressured her to stop her hit piece, the story was gutted. Via The Wrap: In 2. I was still a fairly new reporter at The New York Times when I got the green light to look into oft- repeated allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein. It was believed that many occurred in Europe during festivals and other business trips there. I also tracked down a woman in London who had been paid off after an unwanted sexual encounter with Weinstein. She was terrified to speak because of her non- disclosure agreement, but at least we had evidence of a pay- off. The story I reported never ran.
After intense pressure from Weinstein, which included having Matt Damon and Russell Crowe call me directly to vouch for Lombardo and unknown discussions well above my head at the Times, the story was gutted. I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known. I knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall. But I had the facts, and this was the Times.
Right? Wrong. The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section, an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive. Who cared? The Times’ then- culture editor Jon Landman, now an editor- at- large for Bloomberg, thought the story was unimportant, asking me why it mattered. Read Waxman’s full story at The Wrap here. Hollywood is a swamp just like the elites in Washington D.
C. They will do anything to protect their own with help from the media. Truly disgusting. Hours before he was fired from The Weinstein Company over sexual harassment allegations, Hollywood producer and Democrat mega donor Harvey Weinstein fired off a ‘desperate,’ email to Hollywood CEOs and moguls. Below is Harvey Weinstein’s complete email: My board is thinking of firing me. All I’m asking, is let me take a leave of absence and get into heavy therapy and counseling.
Whether it be in a facility or somewhere else, allow me to resurrect myself with a second chance. A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there. I could really use your support or just your honesty if you can’t support me. But if you can, I need you to send a letter to my private gmail address.
The letter would only go to the board and no one else. We believe what the board is trying to do is not only wrong but might be illegal and would destroy the company. If you could write this letter backing me, getting me the help and time away I need, and also stating your opposition to the board firing me, it would help me a lot. I am desperate for your help. Just give me the time to have therapy. Do not let me be fired.
If the industry supports me, that is all I need. With all due respect, I need the letter today. In another bombshell, Weinstein is caught on tape admitting he groped a woman’s breast. The New Yorker is now reporting three women are accusing him of rape. From The New Yorker: Three women––among them Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans—told me that Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex. Four women said that they experienced unwanted touching that could be classified as an assault. In an audio recording captured during a New York Police Department sting operation in 2. Weinstein admits to groping a Filipina- Italian model named Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, describing it as behavior he is “used to.” Four of the women I interviewed cited encounters in which Weinstein exposed himself or masturbated in front of them.
Sixteen former and current executives and assistants at Weinstein’s companies told me that they witnessed or had knowledge of unwanted sexual advances and touching at events associated with Weinstein’s films and in the workplace. They and others describe a pattern of professional meetings that were little more than thin pretexts for sexual advances on young actresses and models. All sixteen said that the behavior was widely known within both Miramax and the Weinstein Company.
Click here to read The New Yorker’s full report. From the report: De Caunes, who was in her early thirties at the time, was already an established actress, but she wondered what would happen to younger and more vulnerable women in the same situation. Over the years, she said, she’s heard similar accounts from friends. I know that everybody—I mean everybody—in Hollywood knows that it’s happening,” de Caunes said. He’s not even really hiding. I mean, the way he does it, so many people are involved and see what’s happening. But everyone’s too scared to say anything.”Does that mean political figures knew as well?
Highly likely considering Hollywood and the Democratic Party are attached at the hip. Hillary still hasn’t said a word! Weinstein threw a fundraiser for Clinton back in June. Page Six reports. Harvey Weinstein is throwing a starry fundraiser for Hillary Clinton on Monday with co- hosts Leo Di. Caprio, Jennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick.
Weinstein and his designer wife, Georgina Chapman, are planning a dinner and conversation with Clinton at their Manhattan home to benefit the Hillary Victory Fund.