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Read reviews, watch trailers and clips, find showtimes, view celebrity photos and more on MSN Movies. Last month, internet service provider Cox began charging residential customers in Arizona, Louisiana, Nevada, and Oklahoma an extra $10 for every 50 gigabytes of data. 'AGT's' Angelica Hale On Performing With Darci Lynne & Preacher Lawson: 'I Love Them' 'AGT' Winner Darci Lynne Excitedly Shares About Her Vegas Debut. Bond Villain Stupidity is a form of ignorance commonly exhibited by villains. It occurs when a villain fails to kill the hero when he has him cornered.

Watch Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Online Fandango

Here Are at Least 1. ISPs Which Put Caps on Their Customers' Data Use. Last month, internet service provider Cox began charging residential customers in Arizona, Louisiana, Nevada, and Oklahoma an extra $1. Cox’s moved matched other leaders in the industry aggressively implementing capped service, like its competitors Comcast and AT& T. Broadband. Now, which is a partially industry- funded search engine for home internet providers, is identifying and releasing data on the ISPs trying to jump on the capped data bandwagon. According to their search of provider websites as of August 7, approximately 1.

The monthly caps in question vary from as low as 3. GB—roughly what Netflix says will be consumed in an hour of HD programming—to as high as 3.

TB. According to Ars. Technica, Newport, New York’s NTCNet, which has the 3. GB cap in place, says the cap is not enforced and is only there as a placeholder in case they need to enforce limits in the future. But a number of other services had caps under 1. GB, while numerous services capped accounts at under 1. GB. As Ars. Technica noted, some of the largest broadband companies including AT& T, Comcast, Cox, Century.

Link, Mediacom and Suddenlink were on the list, as well as major satellite providers Exede and Hughes. Net. Many of the ISPs on the list charge overage fees for further access or offer unlimited plans at higher rates, though some others do not aggressive enforce the caps. All of this data, of course, does not necessarily cover various other ways ISPs can screw over their customers, like throttling internet access for heavy users or overselling capacity out of ignorance or deliberate profiteering. In the past, some ISPs have also used deceptive advertising language to give the impression plans which simply raise overage fee thresholds are actually unlimited, i. Currently, the Federal Communications Commission is under the dubious leadership of Donald Trump appointee Ajit Pai, who has declared war on net neutrality and seems determined to roll back rules which prevent ISPs from implementing tiered services or throttling competitors. In that light, last year’s attempts by content providers like Netflix to fight data caps via FCC regulatory action now look somewhat quixotic. Broadband. Now’s data also doesn’t say anything about mobile providers, for whom data caps and other tricks to limit customer utilization of bandwidth are basically a fixture of the landscape; Verizon Wireless, for example, has begun openly throttling mobile video.[Broadband.

Now via Ars. Technica].

Ubisoft Removes Fourth Of July Fireworks From Watch Dogs 2 After 'Noise Complaints'A temporary Independence Day celebration in Watch Dogs 2 was suspended early on July 4 because it was enraging too many people who still play Ubisoft’s late 2. The fireworks had been added to the game as part of the 1. They were set to erupt during the game’s night cycles from June 2. July 1. 0. On Twitter, they were described by gamers as “completely obnoxious,” “fucking annoying” and “too frequent, too long and too loud.” Someone else said they were scaring their dog. Initially, Ubisoft defended the fireworks. Three days ago, in reply to a forum thread titled “Annoying Fireworks At night missions,” a Ubisoft community representative noted: “While you may find them loud in- game, they are really loud in real life too! Watch Cinema Paradiso Online Free HD. The sound carries over the water and you can hear them all over the Bay!”By yesterday, Ubisoft yielded.

On Reddit, a company rep noted: “The people have spoken and we have carried out their will! Watch The Dirty Mind Of Young Sally Online Hitfix. Watch Mischief Night Online Freeform. There was an annoying bug that snuck into our Independence Day Event that made the sound effects from the fireworks noticeable from everywhere on the map. They have been turned off as to avoid any further noise complaints.”Ubisoft: “It’s not possible to rush a fix for this so we made a tough choice to remove them. The heart says no but the ear drums say yes.”When Tweeting the news, the official Watch Dogs 2 Twitter account cc’d the outlet Ars Technica, likely because of the publication’s Tuesday morning story headlined “Ubisoft wishes Watch Dogs 2 players a terrible Fourth of July.”Of course, as fans of whatever pop song you hate can tell you that even the most cacophonous noise has its fans.

Sure enough, a Watch Dogs 2 player on the game’s subreddit lamented the firework deletion. The Ubi rep replied: “We liked them too! But when you’re playing the game at night for hours and can’t escape the popping no matter where you are, that’s not a positive experience for the player.

It’s not possible to rush a fix for this so we made a tough choice to remove them. The heart says no but the ear drums say yes.”.