Questions 1. Why not use Spinner Cheif 2 it is a one off fee? 2.Also when you finish spinning articles and you spin to see your end result how do you go about finding. Nézd meg a(z) 10 dolog amit utálok benned epizódjait online!
How To Use The Best Spinner To Spin Articles That Fool Google. Article spinning, when done correctly with The Best Spinner is highly effective. I covered the topic briefly with my tiered link building tutorials but wanted to get into more detail using The Best Spinner. A lot of people don’t fully understand how to spin articles or don’t put the required time and effort in to create a high quality spin that will pass human moderation. If you think that spinning doesn’t work anymore then you’re doing something wrong – watch my The Best Spinner tutorial below and you will see what I mean.
What You Will Learn. If you’re familiar with spinning the first part of the tutorial won’t teach you anything new but a good 5. What article spinning is. The benefits of article spinning. How article spinning works.
How to spin articles the right way. Advanced spinning techniques including my personal process. How to use The Best Spinner like a pro. Underneath the video you can download a pack of sample articles that show you the step by step evolution from the seed article all the way through to the final sentence spun article complete with images, videos and contextual links.
How To Spin Articles With The Best Spinnershow. Video Transcript. Hi guys Matthew Woodward here and today I’m going to show you how to spin articles properly with some advanced techniques in The Best Spinner. Today you will learn exactly what article spinning is. Along with all of the benefits of it.
I’ll also show you how it works and most importantly. How to spin articles the right way. And finally we’ll move into some advanced techniques with The Best Spinner and my personal process. Article spinning is a method of creating lots of unique content from 1 source article. When done correctly you can avoid duplicate content problems with your link building.
Essentially a spun article is just saying the same thing but in a different way. So let me show you how we spin an article. Take this short sentence for example that reads ‘hello my name is Matthew’. We can spin the sentence by adding alternative words for Hello such as Hi and Hey using curly brackets and pipes as you can see. This would produce 3 unique sentences which are hi my name is Matthew, hello my name is Matthew and hey my name is Matthew.
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Pretty simple right? Watch City Hall Putlocker. We can actually take it a step further by spinning all of the words in the sentence like this. As you can see we have alternative words for hello, my name is and Matthew. This produces lots of unique possibility’s such as hi my name is matt, hello I’m called Matthew, hey my name is Matthew and so on. You can actually spin pretty much anything.
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Once you’re familiar with word and phrase spinning you can also explore spinning entire sentences, paragraphs, images, videos, links & html formatting. That might sound a bit scary at first but don’t worry I’m going to take you through it step by step. First we are going to start with a source article and spin it with some alternative sentences. Then we are going to spin the words & phrases, spin in some relevant images & videos, add some contextual links and a bit of HTML formatting.
All of that will create for a really unique article that we can use lots and lots of times in our link building. Let’s get stuck in! So this is the best spinner and this is my spinning software of choice. In my opinion it really is the nest spinner and there is a link to download the trial on the video right now. So this software has lots of different functions and settings and I’m gonna take you through all of these. Right, of course the tutorial, but one thing that we can quickly touch on the auto tools over here.
Now, what some people consider article spinning to be is to load an article in, press the auto select button here and that automatically spins the article for you. The problem with this is, usually it, well, it never makes sense. And on top of that the uniqueness and never very good. So if you’re gonna do article spinning, do it properly. It’s highly effective when done right. So don’t take any shortcuts. And I’m gonna teach you how to do it properly throughout this video so let’s get started.
So if I just put my source article that I’m using for this tutorial back here. Now this is a very short article, really your base article should be a minimum of 5. I’m just keeping it short and quick to show how this all works. So the first thing that we need to do is what we call sentence spinning. And sentence spinning is essentially writing an alternative sentence for each sentence. So if we take this sentence here, we could write an alternative for it as something along the lines of this….
And what we are going to do is spin it so that when the software outputs the sentence it chooses between either this sentence or that sentence. So to do that we need to put a curly bracket there and then a pipe symbol here and then we can bring that back up here and finally a squiggly bracket there. So that’s a squiggly bracket at the start, pipes separate the two sentences and one at the end. And if you look here you see sometimes that it uses this sentence and sometimes it uses the alternative sentence that we’ve just written in. So you can actually go a step further and add a third alternative sentence.
So to do that we put a pipe in here and I’m just gonna quickly write a third sentence and pause the video. Okay so I have now written a 3rd sentence in which you can see here. And if we just go spun article again there’s its using the 1st sentence, 2nd sentence, the 1st one again and there’s the 3rd one.
So that is sentence spinning now what you need to do is to go through the entire article and write 2 alternative sentences for each original sentence. So I’m gonna pause the video and I’m gonna go through all of that and when we come back, we should have everything spun on the sentence level. Okay I have now finished spinning on the sentence level. Every original sentence now has 2 alternative sentences. So there’s sentence 1, that’s sentence 2 and here we have sentence 3.
And I’ve done that to every single sentence. So if we have a look at what its looks like here, you can see the “ To be honest with you payday loans should only be used if you’re desperate for money. If you do need money quickly then payday loans are helpful but should be a last resort and if we come to the publish tab here and then generate and compare. We will now generate 5. And this takes a little bit of time to do, but as you can see its comparing its just filling up this table down here. So if we make this full screen. We can kind of have a look at the uniqueness.
So what this has done is generate 5. And basically the higher the figure the more unique it is and that’s what we’re aiming for. So just look in through here we can just say we’ve got a 4.
So let’s move on to spinning at the word and phrase level. Now spinning on the word and phrase level is quite easy. The best spinner has some pretty cool functions to help us out with that throughout. So to start with we just highlight this 1st phrase here that is signified with the underline and that will automatically suggest some alternative words to us down here. More often than not if you just use your brain a little bit, you can come up with alternatives and better than what the bets spinner can suggest.
So I recommend using these words and phrases as guideline or indication only. And you should certainly be doing your own mental aerobics to think of words that fit in as you’re doing it.
So, to start with, we’ve got a payday loan highlighted there, and down here it suggests some alternatives. So, let’s see what we can add as an alternative phrase that still makes sense within the context of the article. So “A payday loan is usually a short term loan of money.” So online payday loan, is usually a short term loan of money, that makes sense.