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Urgh! A Music War (1. Update (written on 1st Oct '1. In late 2. 00. 9 Warner Archives in the USA released a very high quality 1.

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DVD edition of Urgh! The DVD is not quite perfect - there are just a few very minor split second, but noticeable, audio glitches. It would have been improved greatly if there were chapter marks at the start of each artist's performance (rather than every 1. The big advantage over all previous tape and Laser.

Get the latest Rolling Stone new music news, song and album reviews, free music downloads, artist videos & pictures, playlists and more. The latest news articles from Billboard Magazine, including reviews, business, pop, hip-hop, rock, dance, country and more.

Disc editions is that the synch of video and audio is precise throughout (other editions had severe synch errors especially in both Pere Ubu and Devo - with the audio a full third of a second in advance of the video). The only artist missing from the Warner Archives DVD is Splodgeness Abounds, with their punk version of the Rolf Harris ditty "Two Little Boys" (no great loss). This is likely to be the only version ever released on digital and it is 9.

I could have hoped for. NB: because this is a 1. Laser. Disc), and what is cropped slightly from the top and bottom of the film frame is worth the sacrifice. My original 2. 00. Urgh! is the finest ever collection of alternative music performance, by artists at the prime of their stage careers.

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An important and lasting legacy of Urgh! I'm referring here to acts such as Skafish, (the late) Klaus Nomi, The Alley Cats, Gang Of Four, Pere Ubu, X and The Cramps.

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No- one could fail to want more of The Cramps after seeing Lux Interior deepthroat his hi- ball mic, while barely staying in his pants. Jim Skafish's "Sign Of The Cross" is another highlight - as a blasphemous anthem of epic proportions. There are only a few performances that I really thought were so- so (Chelsea, 9. John Otway, Invisible Sex); a few more were "good", but the vast majority were amazingly good. Even on the poor quality transfer to Laser. Disc you can appreciate that Urgh!

The bands all sound great - but strangely it's in mono on the Laser. Disc & VHS, while the double album on vinyl is in extremely good stereo. So when someone finally gets around to doing it, surely there's a state- of- the- art DVD just begging to be mastered and released? And if a DVD does eventuate, let's hope they make up for the major failing of the Laser. Disc, and include Wall Of Voodoo's "Back In Flesh".

Hollywood Reporter Entertainment News. Sequel 'Bad Moms Christmas' isn't as lucky, while Greta Gerwig's 'Lady Bird' soars at the specialty box office; globally, 'Thor' amasses $4.