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Watch Caved In Online Free 2016

Read the latest stories about Tech on Fortune. Grigor Dimitrov and Nick Kyrgios are two of the most watchable players on tour, with sure feel and shot-making for days. They may also be the two players with the.

Emergency" Declared at WA Nuclear Waste Facility — "Take Cover" Orders Issued. Hanford, WA — (RT) The US Department of Energy has declared an emergency at the Hanford, Washington nuclear waste storage site, after a tunnel used to store contaminated materials caved in. About 3,0. 00 workers have taken cover at the 2. East Area of the sprawling complex, local media reported. By 1. 0: 3. 0 am local time, the “take cover” orders have been expanded to the entire site, which is about half the size of Rhode Island.

Protesters outside Trump Tower the day after the election, New York City, November 9, 2016 “Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Thank you. We have lost.

A portion of a tunnel near the plutonium- uranium extraction plant (PUREX) collapsed early Tuesday morning local time, most likely from vibrations produced by nearby road work, KING- TV reported. Initial reports spoke of a 4- foot (1. The tunnel was used to store highly radioactive materials and equipment, such as trains used to transport nuclear fuel rods. The PUREX facility was built in the 1. The building has been vacant for nearly twenty years and “remains highly contaminated,”according to the Hanford website. Rail cars used to transport the fuel rods from the nuclear reactors to the processing facility are buried inside the nearby tunnels.

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No workers were injured in the collapse, and officials have detected no release of radiation, Washington state Department of Ecology spokesman Randy Bradbury told AP. Workers at the complex have been ordered to stay indoors and refrain from eating and drinking, according to text alerts seen by local media. Emergency crews are organizing the evacuation.

Emergency measures were put in place due to “concerns about subsidence in the soil covering railroad tunnels,” says a statement posted on the Hanford facility website. Residents of the nearby Benton and Franklin counties do not need to take any action, the facility said. Hanford is located on the Columbia River in eastern Washington, near the border with Oregon.

Built during World War Two as part of the Manhattan Project to develop the nuclear bomb, it still contains roughly 5. US nuclear weapons program. A number of current and former Hanford workers suffer from serious medical conditions as a result of exposure to toxic waste leaks and “burps” of radiation at the complex, RT America reported in April 2.