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  1. Adblock vs. Adblock Plus. Here you'll find out the differences between Adblock Plus and Adblock and which tool is right for your browser.
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Adblock vs. Adblock Plus: Which is Better? Adblock. Adblock Plus. Are they the same? Are they different? And most importantly: which one is the best choice for you? In this article you’ll find out exactly what the differences are between Adblock Plus and Adblock and which advertisement blocking tool is right for your browser. Adblock Plus. The first ad- blocking extension of its kind, it was first only available on Firefox and then on all mainstream browsers.

It is no doubt the most popular advertisement blocking tool for Firefox. On Chrome, that’s another story.

Due to ADP being late to the Chrome extension game, Adblock was created and took its place as the most popular extension for the Chrome browser. ABP was created by a community of users who grew tired of intrusive ads online. It’s open source and has an easy- to- navigate settings interface with tons of options for blocking advertisements via filter list subscriptions as well as custom filters and more. Adblock Plus is very easy to find and install through the various browser extension stores. There are not a lot of negative things to say about Adblock Plus, but the cons to this extension are pretty glaring. For starters, ABP doesn’t block all ads.

Crazy, right? According to some whispers online, big advertisement agencies like Google can (and have) pay ABP to get past their blocking filters and into their advertisement “white- list” that users must manually opt out of. All and all, if you’re on Firefox and in need of a good, feature- filled advertisement blocking tool, consider this one. I’d pass on the Chrome extension, though. Adblock is considerably better in this department.

Prosopen source and community drivenfast and easy installation processsettings area easy to navigate and understandblocks advertisements by way of a subscription process so more advertisements can be blocked by simply subscribing to certain lists. Consforces users to opt out of allowing white- list ads instead of opting inallows some advertisements it deems “alright” instead of blocking all advertisements.

RELATED: u. Block Origin: Better Than Adblock Plus? Adblock. Adblock is an extension inspired by the Adblock Plus project and  created for Google Chrome by an independent developer named Michael Gundlach. At first, Adblock was only found on Chrome and quickly became the most popular advertisement blocking tool available. Soon after Adblock gained considerable popularity, it was quickly ported to other major browsers. When it comes to the features of this extension, you’d be hard- pressed to find any features that you wouldn’t find in Adblock Plus. With Adblock you’re able to block a wide array of advertisements by subscribing to lists, create custom filters, and easily navigate its massive amount of settings.

Overall, it’s pretty good (if you’re using Chrome, that is). Unlike ABP, there are quite a few negatives if you choose Adblock.

For example: Have a habit of using massive amounts of tabs? If so, stay away from this extension, as it’s known to make browsers sluggish at heavy load, especially when using Google Chrome. It also has trouble blocking advertisements on You. Tube when using Chrome due to a bug and has a slightly intrusive page that pops up as soon as it’s installed inside your browser. Adblock is definitely a decent choice for most browsers.

Where it really shines, though, is Google Chrome. If you’re a huge fan of Google’s browser and have a need to block advertisements online, consider this extension. Prosopen sourceincredibly fast and easy installation processuses the Adblock Plus filter system, so ABP users will feel at home when switchinguses the same advertisement blocking list as Adblock Plus, so a wide array of advertisements will be blockedsettings are easy to navigate and understand. Conscan slow down the browser if the user has a lot of tabs opendue to a slight bug with the Chrome browser, You. Tube advertisements can sometimes bypass Adblockintrusive page pops up after installation. Conclusion. Though advertisements online are an important way to generate revenue online, they can be intrusive. In fact, a few (not all) advertisement firms have been known to serve up malicious links.

It is because of this that tools like Adblock and Adblock Plus need to exist. Which do you prefer: Adblock Plus or Adblock? Tell us below! Lose the ads forever with Adguard.

You never know when you’ll stumble across a potentially malicious site, which is why you should protect yourself with Adguard. This all- in- one internet filter and ad- blocker will protect your vulnerable devices from the prying eyes of cyber criminals. Beyond the security aspect, though, doesn’t an ad- free web just sound nice? Watch What Now Megavideo. You can now get a lifetime subscription to Adguard Premium for $3.