Watch About Scout Online Mic

Watch About Scout Online Mic

Welcome to the swift hunter's handbook. Swift hunters get their name from a feat published in complete scoundrel, so you need at least that book to be able to play one. Swift hunters are unique in playstyle and combine several party roles, that of the support ranged/melee character with heavy damage, skill- monkey, wand user and utility. With that in mind, i won't only aim for high damage output, but optimize other aspects of the character, too.

The numerous threads about ranger/scouts that where popping out from time to time in character optimization forums was the main reason i was motivated to create this compilation. I would like to present some of my own observations and have the opportunity of sharing thoughts on the unique style of the swift hunter, the feat that has spawned all this. I would like to give my thanks to Encard and his Scout's Handbook which i got many ideas from. Overview. Attributes: Strength: As swift hunters mainly use their skirmish damage for offense, this attribute isn't important for damage. This is a dump stat for two weapon fighting and ranged builds. Still a composite bow can benefit from this, but it's definitely not the first priority. Dexterity: Important stat for most of the skills.

Also it is a requirement for most feats that can be used to capitalize damage output. Also, it will probably be the attribute that determines your attack bonus. A decent score helps, but you don't need to over- do it. Another thing to remember is that rangers don't care for your dexterity score, as your get the combat style feats no matter what.

There are feats that require a minimum dexterity score though, including, but not limited to: Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Improved Precise Shot, Greater Manyshot. Constitution: Boosts your hit point total and constitution saves. This is top priority for any character. Intelligence: A swift hunter's base classes have a very good selection of skills and many skill points per level. The extra skill points from this are nice. While this isn't a first priority, having a decent score in this helps, especially if you want to keep maxed out a lot of different skills (hide, move silently, disable device, search, spot, listen are usual choices). Wisdom: There is a decent amount of skills keyed off wisdom.

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Also boosts your will saves which, judging by your base classes, should be your lowest. Also ranger spells are based on wisdom. Don't overdo it though, a score of 1. Charisma: Your class features and skills don't have anything to do with this skill. In most cases you won't need this even if you invest in cleric for travel devotion (although a non- negative modifier would probably be the best).

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Watch About Scout Online Mic

However i find it better than strength. Sample Point Buy Scores: Since you are not actually a spellcaster and your attributes are quite spread to the point of MAD, i wouldn't max out any attribute.

Instead, it's better to place your points in 1: 1 ratio, to get the most out of them. Races: Note: If you choose a race with favored class other than ranger, scout or any, you may have experience penalty for multiclassing. Humans: One of the best races. Gives skill points and a bonus feat, which are hard to come by. Free multiclassing is nice to have since swift hunters are multiclass anyway.

Strongheart Halflings: Huge save, skill and weapon bonuses. Since you only need to move 1. The only drawback this one has is that it's favored class is rogue. You may want to work with your DM to change that to scout (since the two classes aren't that far apart). PHB Elves: They get a constitution hit and you will eventually have multiclassing penalties. They get nice bonuses (although their racial features do not benefit a swift hunter that much), but if you want a race with a dexterity bonus, it is better to choose halflings. Elves are *not* suitable for swift hunters.

Mongrelfolk: They get a nice bonus to their constitution, an intelligence hit which isn't that nice and a huge penalty to a dump stat. Not the best choice, but they have interesting capabilities and nice bonuses to saving throws and skill checks. Tieflings: Dexterity and intelligence boost, penalty in charisma. Darkvision and that's all they offer. You can be a lesser tiefling for pretty much the same benefits and +0 level adjustment. If sword of arcane order and LA buyoff are allowed to you, consider taking them with level adjustment and then buying it off.

At high level play, the outsider type and spells like alter self are going to make the difference. Underfolk: Bonus skill points, darkvision, human blood, camouflage are nice bonuses for the party's scout. Illumians: Their sigils are very nice.

If you choose Uurkrau you can get bonus spells from high dexterity, while you have to keep your wisdom to 1. Especially if you are playing in faerun and using the shooting star substitution levels, illumians can cover some of lost caster levels with their sigil. Also they are technically human, which grants them access to the great able learner feat to equalize their skills under extreme multiclassing situations. Whisper Gnomes: Nice bonuses to important stats. They are small, but their speed remains 3.

They have both low light and dark visions, bonus on scouting skills, spell like abilities that add flavor and versatility and are able to take some racial feats. Very nice. Catfolk: Not good any more. With complete champion you can take a level in barbarian and pounce all day (without having to spend a feat), along with an extra d. Still they have nice bonuses, but are only worthwhile if LA buyoff is allowed. I don't recommend taking this race for the pounce ability, but more for the bonuses to important attributes. Kobolds: Not especially good, but deserve a mention due to dragonwrought and their kobold endurance. Watch Kevin Hart: I`M A Grown Little Man Online Mic there. Snow Elves: +dex - cha.

Nice and a penalty to a dump stat. Favored class (wizard) though, so be careful of multiclassing penalties. This is a choice if you absolutely want to play an elf without penalties to important statistics.

Neraphim: This is an overlooked race from Planar Handbook. What is great about Neraphims is that they are outsiders, which can work wonders combined with sword of the arcane order feat, granting you access to the abusable alter self and polymorph spells. To back all those benefits up, they get some natural armor, favored class ranger and some unique abilities. This is a great pick for high- level play. List of races with ranger as a favored class: Wood Elf: +2 Str +2 Dex - 2 Con - 2 Int, meduim, 3.

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