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Syracuse New Times 6- 1. New Times Online.

Showtime Full Scenic Route Online Free

Syracuse New Times 6- 1. Published on Jun 1. Syracuse New Times 6- 1.

Showtime Full Scenic Route Online Free

Rolling on the Rhine: Cruise along storied river full of unexpected discoveries. It’s showtime at the Black Forest Village near Breitnau, Germany, where a young man in a chef’s apron is demonstrating how to make Schwarzwald Kirschtorte — aka Black Forest cake. The audience — cruise passengers from the Viking Hlin — watch intently as the "chef" places a single layer of kirsch- infused chocolate sponge cake on a platter and deftly spreads a thick layer of kirsch- infused whipped- cream- icing over the top with a big spatula. Then comes a layer of pitted cherries — also soaked in the cherry brandy. Then, more boozy whipped cream, and so on until the last layer is placed. Then — you guessed it — more whipped cream.

Once the cake is completely covered, the masterpiece is crowned with a ring of cherries carefully placed around the top and rich dark chocolate grated all over the now four- layer cake, which looks fantastic. People crowd around to pick up copies of the recipe, take photos and ask questions of the "chef," who quickly confesses he is actually an electrician. From Croatia. No matter, he has done a fine job of demonstrating how to "assemble" the region’s signature dessert, and folks queue up at a counter to purchase a piece prepared by a real chef. Upstairs, a genuine craftsman is demonstrating how cuckoo- clocks are made, and across the street, a glassblowing expert is practising his craft. Guides in traditional dress — topped by hats with enormous red pom- poms — stroll around and answer questions. It’s all quite touristy, but good fun, too, and the village is surrounded by authentically rugged scenery punctuated by streams that cascade down a steep, densely forested hill, and the Ravenna railway bridge, which at 5. Germany’s steepest railway line. The Girl In The Park Full Movie.

There is history here, too. Centuries before becoming part of the Hofgut Sternen resort, which runs the village, a young Marie Antoinette and her entourage of 3. Our less ostentatious visit is an included excursion for guests of Viking Cruises. Later, after lunch back aboard the Hlin, some of us also embark on an optional jaunt to nearby Colmar, France. Colmar is an enchanting town full of half- timbered houses, medieval buildings and meandering canals.

Your Online Guide to Events for Children in Fredericksburg, Texas and the surrounding Texas Hill Country Region. It's showtime at the Black Forest Village near Breitnau, Germany, where a young man in a chef's apron is demonstrating how to make Schwarzwald Kirschtorte -- aka.

Colmar and the Black Forest Village are places I might never have discovered were it not for taking this cruise. I expected to be wowed by the storied cities on Viking’s four- country Rhine Getaway itinerary — Basel, where we boarded, Strasbourg, Cologne and Amsterdam, where we disembarked. But in addition to the "star" attractions on the eight- day sailing were lesser- known places — Heidelberg, Koblenz and Kinderdijk — each with its own unexpected charms. In between ports, there was narrated scenic cruising through a castle- studded section of the Middle Rhine, and passage through many locks. The award- winning Viking Cruises has always put an emphasis on discovery.

To encourage exploration on shore, there is an included excursion — usually a guided walking tour — in every port its longships visit. Recently they have expanded their lineup of optional shore trips with some delightful — and in many cases exclusive — experiences for an extra fee. I tried some of both.

Showtime Full Scenic Route Online Free

STRASBOURGViking’s Taste The Best of Alsace is an optional all- day tour of Strasbourg. A local foodie- guide takes guests shopping and noshing through the heart of the historic French city. At Patisserie Christian, there is artisan chocolate. Sweet- tooth satisfied, the group sets off to gather savouries from a cheesemonger, a boulangerie and a butcher. These are paired with local wines by a sommelier, who also gives a brief tutorial on Alsatian wine.

After bidding au revoir, there is time to walk off a few calories before the finale. Guests learn that Strasbourg is only about 4 km from the German border, and the city has been part of Germany several times in its long history. Watch Uncle John Online Mic.

After World War II it was once again returned to France. The back and forth explains why some Strasbourg buildings look classically French while others — especially the timber- framed houses — look as if they were plucked from the Rhineland and tossed down here. Strasbourg’s entire historic city- centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site full of well preserved ancient buildings, most notably the soaring gothic cathedral dating to the 1. From 1. 64. 7 to 1. The merging of French and German cultures has created a culinary mash- up.

Consequently, it’s as easy to find gingerbread and choucroute — a local sauerkraut — as it is a croissant or macaron. To wrap up the tour, a French chef demonstrates how to make Tarte Flambee — a pizza- like specialty of Northern France that uses creme fraiche in place of tomato sauce. Delish. Back on the Hlin, Executive Chef Mladen Arezina gives a cooking demonstration, too. He picks an enthusiastic guest to help him make Flammkuchen, a regional German specialty — you guessed it — identical to the French. Double delish! HEIDELBERGWhen we docked at Heidelberg, most people took the included tour to the hilltop castle ruins.

But Hlin staff also pulled together an impromptu walking tour for those who wanted to stay in the town centre. I took that option and enjoyed a short walk and a few of hours of aimless wandering in the delightful university town. Again, if it weren’t for this cruise, I would likely never have visited Heidelberg, and never discovered the story of Bertha Benz. Our guide said most people know of Bertha’s husband — Carl, of automobile fame. But fewer know about Bertha’s role in getting Carl’s creation rolling.

Bertha — and her dowry — bankrolled Carl’s invention, and when people were slow to adopt the new mode of transportation, plucky Bertha decided to change their minds. Without telling a soul, she packed two of their sons into the "horseless carriage" and set off to visit her mother — a daring escapade for a woman in 1. Bertha drew crowds when she rolled into towns — including Heidelberg — between Mannheim and Pforzheim.

And clever marketer that she was, she took every opportunity to demonstrate how easy it was to drive — so easy in fact that even a woman could do it! Today the 1. 94- km- long Bertha Benz Memorial Route marks her epic journey. KOBLENZAfter docking at Koblenz — which enjoys a scenic location at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel rivers — most of the guests departed for the included tour of Marksburg Castle. I had visited the impressive 1. Viking cruise, so I strolled along the riverside promenade to the city centre instead.

That night there were two optional tours. Some people went off for a special wine- pairing dinner at Schloss Johannisberg — an atmospheric and refined affair from all accounts. Others opted for the lively German dinner in Rudesheim with cheerful music, drinking games, uncomplicated food and fun. Our group was joined by folks from Hlin’s sister ship, which was also sailing the Rhine Getaway itinerary, but in reverse. It was fun comparing notes with them.

Another night, Chef Arezina and his staff prepared a German buffet for us. Tables set with cheerful plaid linens, a centrepiece of soft pretzels, and entertainment by local musicians set a beer garden tone in the otherwise sophisticated dining room. It was a delicious and hearty feast of sausages, schnitzel, sauerbraten, sauerkraut, spaetzle, potato salad, red cabbage slaw, apple kuchen, strudel, Black Forest cake, and more — all prepared to perfection like every other meal that had been served to us on board. COLOGNEWe arrived at Cologne on what I call my "reality check day." Let me explain: On the first day of a cruise, everything lies ahead. Within hours of sailing, relaxation kicks in and, for me, time seems to almost stand still. But on "reality check day," I realize the fairytale moments are passing — quickly — and my pampered on board life will soon come to an end.

So I hit the streets of Cologne determined to make every moment count.